Multimedia Center


The following videos relate to heterosexism, antigay prejudice, transgender bias, gender identity, and sexual orientation. To suggest other videos, please use our Contact Us page.

Boys Beware (1950s antigay classic)

10:13 minutes


Produced with cooperation from the Inglewood Police Department and Unified School District, this film presents homosexuality as "a sickness of the mind" and warns young people: "No matter where you meet a stranger, be careful if they are too friendly... one never knows when a homosexual is about."

Would You Defend Gay Parents?

7:24 minutes

ABC News

In this clip from the ABC News program What Would You Do? with John Quiñones, a two-day hidden camera experiment is staged to see how people will respond to antigay comments made by a waiter in Brooklyn, New York. The video ends with an especially memorable instance of bystander intervention.

Would You Defend a Lesbian Couple?

7:01 minutes

ABC News

In a hidden camera experiment based on a U.S. Supreme Court case of antigay discrimination, this clip from the ABC News program What Would You Do? shows people's reactions when a bakery employee refuses to sell a wedding cake to a lesbian customer. For related videos, see WWYD episodes on LGBTQ, Gay Rights, and Transgender Issues.

Transgender and Gender Identity Basics

19:27 minutes

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, New York City

This video from the LGBTCC Gender Identity Project offers an overview of concepts such as gender identity, gender roles, sexual orientation, and the difference between sex and gender. It also provides a variety of perspectives on gender from transgender people.

Think Before You Speak

32 seconds

The Advertising Council

This public service announcement, co-produced by the Ad Council and GLSEN, shows two female cashiers referring to something they dislike as being "gay." A customer then turns the tables on them by describing their slur as "so Emma and Julia," after which the ad invites viewers to imagine if their own identity were used as an insult.

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