Multimedia Center


The following videos relate to stigmatization and various forms of social stigma, such as disability, special needs, and weight stigma. To suggest other videos, please use our Contact Us page.

Able-Bodied in a Disabled World

2:47 minutes

Disabilities Network of NYC

This video was produced by the UK Disability Rights Commission and shows an able-bodied man attending a job interview, but with the tables turned: Instead of being in an able-bodied majority, he finds himself in a world where disability is the norm and able-bodied people are pitied and stigmatized.

Would You Stand Up for a Grocery Clerk with Special Needs?

8:00 minutes

ABC News

This clip shows a fascinating hidden camera experiment from the ABC News program What Would You Do? with John Quiñones. In the video, grocery store customers are led to believe that a clerk with Down Syndrome is being mistreated by a fellow customer. Over a two-day period, the ABC crew set up 30 different scenarios and captured a wide variety of bystander reactions.

Flying While Fat: Should Overweight Passengers Pay More?

3:43 minutes

CBS News

This clip from The Early Show discusses United Airlines' controversial policy of charging passengers for two seats if they cannot fit comfortably into a single seat. The video includes commentary from Rebecca Puhl of Yale University and Marilyn Wann, fat activist and author of Fat! So?

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