The following materials relate to historic forms of racial prejudice and discrimination. To learn more about an item or to purchase a book, please click on its title. As an Amazon Associate,, up to 15% of all book purchases made through (by clicking a link below and ordering the book online) will go toward supporting this web site.
Gould, S. J. (1985). The Hottentot Venus. In The Flamingo's Smile: Reflections in Natural History (pp. 291-305). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Ludy, B. T., Jr., & Crouse, E. M. (2002). The American Psychological Association's response to Brown v. Board of Education: The case of Kenneth B. Clark. American Psychologist, 57, 38-50.
Okamura, R. Y. (1982). The American concentration camps: A cover-up through euphemistic terminology. Journal of Ethnic Studies, 10, 95-109.
Savitt, T. L. (1982). The use of Blacks for medical experimentation and demonstration in the Old South. Journal of Southern History, 48, 331-348.