Understanding Prejudice
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The following materials relate to stigmatization. To learn more about an item or to purchase a book, please click on its title. As an Amazon Associate,, up to 15% of all book purchases made through Amazon.com (by clicking a link below and ordering the book online) will go toward supporting this web site.

 Booklist by Topic:

 The Psychology of Stigma

 Sociological and Multidisciplinary Perspectives

 The Stigma of Mental Illness

 The Stigma of Physical Disabilities

 Other Forms of Stigma

 Other Publications:

 Disability Research Journals

 Disability Magazines, E-Zines, and Newsletters

 Publications and Blogs on Antifat Prejudice

 Articles and Essays:

  • Crandall, C. S. (1994). Prejudice against fat people: Ideology and self-interest. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 882-894.
  • Crocker, J., & Major, B. (1989). Social stigma and self-esteem: The self-protective properties of stigma. Psychological Review, 96, 608-630.
  • Crocker, J., Major, B., & Steele, C. (1998). Social stigma. In D. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology (4th ed., vol. 2, pp. 504-553). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
  • Goldberg, C. (2000, November 5). Citing intolerance, obese people take steps to press cause. New York Times, pp. 1, 36.
  • Herek, G. M., Capitanio, J. P., & Widaman, K. F. (2002). HIV-related stigma and knowledge in the United States: Prevalence and trends, 1991-1999. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 371-377.
  • Kleck, R. E., & Strenta, A. (1980). Perceptions of the impact of negatively valued physical characteristics on social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39, 861-873.
  • Lampert, L. (1993, May). Fat like me. Ladies' Home Journal, pp. 154-155, 214-215.
  • Puhl, R. M., & Latner, J. D. (2007). Stigma, obesity, and the health of the nation's children. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 557-580.
  • Roehling, M. V. (1999). Weight-based discrimination in employment: Psychological and legal aspects. Personnel Psychology, 52, 969-1016.
  • Snyder, M. L., Kleck, R. E., Strenta, A., & Mentzer, S. J. (1979). Avoidance of the handicapped: An attributional ambiguity analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 12, 2297-2306.
  • Steele, C. M. (1992, April). Race and the schooling of black Americans. The Atlantic Monthly, pp. 68-78.
  • Steele, C. (1999, August). Thin Ice: "Stereotype Threat" and Black College Students. The Atlantic Monthly, pp. 44-47, 50-54.